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Lokasi Bos Nama Skill dan Item Drop

Lokasi Bos Nama Skill dan Item Drop
Dalam permainan di Rohan Salah satu hal yang menarik adalah kita dapat memburu Raja-raja dari monster atau biasa disebut Bos. Nah untuk memburu mereka bukanlah hal yang mudah apalagi bagi pemain yang masih mempunyai equipdan tingkat level yang rendah. Namun bukan berarti kita tidak dapat memburu para Raja-raja tersebut karena mereka juga memiliki tingkatan level yang disetarakan dengan pemain, cara memburu mereka bisa kita lakukan secara solo maupun party. Keuntungan dari memburu Raja/Bos adalah kita mendapatkan barang atau biasa disebut aksesoris(Acc) maupun barang lainnya,  yang tentu saja sangat berguna untuk menaikan kemampuan karakter kita dalam Leveling maupun Pvp Sesuai dengan tingkatan level yang ada.
Untuk mengetahui keberadaan, nama, tipe skill maupun barang yang jatuh saat membinasakan mereka silakan lihat selanjutnya di bawah ini :

Crystal Quarry/Penggalian Crystal
Rigel Foreman – 1st floor
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Physical (Melee)
* AOE Attack Type: None (N/A)
* AOE Effects
* + N/A
* Level: 15
Monster Guards: Rigal Spellunker
Item Drops:
* Ring of Boom-Boom
* Rare Items
* All parts of Armor of Noyde
* Forging Option Items
Rigal bomb – Crystal Quarry 2nd Floor
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Physical (Melee)
* AOE Attack Type: None (N/A)
* AOE Effects
* + N/A
* Level: 30
* Monster Guards: Devoter Assasin
Item Drops:
* Onyx Screw of Boomboom
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items

Lauke Monastery, Via Marea
Demon Hezwerd – Lauke Monastery 2nd Floor
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Magical (Melee)
* AOE Attack Type: Magical (Ranged)
* AOE Effects
* + Debuff
* Level: 40
* Monster Guards: Shamanistic Specters
Item Drops:
* Abbots Prayer Book
* Rare Items

Akma Cave/Gua Akma
Ruin Kan
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Physical (Melee)
* AOE Attack Type: None
* Level: 45
* Monster Guards: None
* Item Drops
* Kaan’s Sealed Soul
* Kaan’s Sealed Heart
* Unique Items (Only a possibility)
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
* Common Items
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Physical (Melee)
* AOE Attack Type: Physical (Ranged)
* Level: 45
* Monster Guards: None
Item Drops
* Ring of Progidious Power
* Unique Items (Only a possibility)
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
* Common Items
Blood Tyrant
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Magical (Melee)
* AOE Attack Type: Magical (Ranged)
* Level: 51
* Monster Guards: None
Item Drops
* Eye of the Blood Lord
* Unique Items (Only a possibility)
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items

Black Dragon Sanctuary and Caronia’s Tomb – Varvylon/Geizan
Violence Makkaphew / Nightmare Makkaphew
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Melee
* AOE Attack Type:Unknown
* AOE Effects Unknown
* Level: 45-55
* Monster Guards: Four Deranged Mummies.
Item Drops
* Necklace of Fury (There’s a variety of stats)
* Akma Pendant (There’s a variety of stats)
* More InfComing Soon.
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
Violence Black Turpin
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Ranged
* AOE Attack Type: None
* AOE Effects: N/A
* Level: 43
* Monster Guards: Keeper of Holy Water, Fire Spite
Item Drops
* Black Turpin’s Chain (+10 Str/+7 Dex/+10 Melee Attack)
* Normal Items
Shard of Baron Victor Vlen
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Melee
* AOE Attack Type: Magical
* AOE Effects
+ Debuff, Group Stun, Group Paralize, Chaos Poison, Chaos Crash Skill
* Level: 60
* Monster Guards: Serpenter General, Serpenter Desecrater
Item Drops
* Pendant of a Belial Knight
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
Mirebreath Hneidhogg
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Melee
* AOE Attack Type: Magical
* AOE Effects
+ Debuff, Chaos Poison, Chaos Paralize, Chaos Crash Skill
* Level: 65
* Monster Guards: Black Drake, Glacial Drake, Fire Drake
Item Drops
* Wrath of Blue Mustache
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
Crimsonscale Hellkite
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Melee
* AOE Attack Type: Magical
* AOE Effects
Debuff, Chaos Crash skill, Chaos Paralize, Chaos Poison
* Level: 65
* Monster Guards: Black Drake, Glacial Drake, Fire Drake
Item Drops
* Insanity of Red Mustache
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items

Rahkon Dungeon – Varvylon
Darkness Spite
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Physical (Melee)
* AOE Attack Type: Physical (Melee)
* Level: 65
* Monster Guards: Temptation Succubus, Teardrop Succubus
Item Drops
* Cameof Futility
* Unique Items (Only a possibility)
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
Amadeus De Roha
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Melee
* AOE Attack Type: Magical
* AOE Effects
+ Silence, Stun, Paralize, Poison
* Level: 70
* Monster Guards: Firweald Mantis
Item Drops
* Wings of Solemn Death
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
Jainus Une Roha
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Unknown
* AOE Attack Type: Unknown
* AOE Effects
+ Silence
* Level: 75
* Monster Guards: Air Angel, Fire Angel
Item Drops
* Dark Angels Baton
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Unknown
* AOE Attack Type: Unknown
* AOE Effects
+ Silence
* Level: 85
* Monster Guards: Unknown
Item Drops
* Heart of Igseilt
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items
Goddess of Wind Silva
Basic Information:
* Attack Type: Unknown
* AOE Attack Type: none
* AOE Effects
+ Silence
* Level: 99
* Monster Guards: Protector of Silva x4
Item Drops
* Eyes of Silva
* Feathers of Goddess Silva
* Amulet of Goddess Silva
* Rare Items
* Forging Option Items

*Bila ada informasi tambahan silakan sampaikan melalui kotak komentar*



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